Clarity · Development · Growth
Systemic Coaching and Gestalttherapy
Jörg Kirschbaum
Jörg Kirschbaum
Are you looking for a new career start?
In coaching, I help you to reconcile your wishes with your skills and experiences, to find out the next steps or to discover your calling.
I advise you on how to act confidently in application situations and support you when starting your career or changing jobs.
I will help you find the courage not to give up, overcome obstacles and achieve what you really want.
You are in a crisis and not progressing?
If a difficult life situation exceeds one's own forces, a crisis can arise. Phases of change in the middle of life, challenging everyday life in the family, professional or private conflicts are very burdensome.
Sometimes unconscious feelings and patterns of thinking from the past prevent us from solving our problems in the now. As a coach and therapist, I help you become aware of these and how to change them.
The most important trip of your life
It is time for change. Health and new goals. Now!
You have already achieved some things in life, bear a lot of responsibility and are successful but dissatisfied. Something is missing. It is hard for you to arrange work, family and leisure. You have hardly any room for your own needs. What are they?
With my 10-week program for personal growth, you will find new strength, joy and ease, become aware of your strengths and talents, and learn what you really love and really want.
What are your personal topics as a leader?
You learn to consciously apply your personal strengths and talents in everyday professional life. During coaching, you will also come to understand your own patterns and inner resistances and how to change them.
Thanks to years of experience in different organizations, I have first-hand knowledge of many managers’ challenges and quickly understand what is important to you. As a coach and therapist, I can show you new personal and systemic perspectives and help you achieve your goals.
As a coach and therapist, I accompany you for example in the following topics:
Interview on body-oriented Gestalt therapy (in German)
As a lecturer, I work for:
In a non-binding preliminary talk, you will describe your situation and we will get to know each other. I explain to you how I can support you and you decide if it fits. Each coaching and therapy is unique and depends on your specific concerns, your personality, your professional environment, your goals, your private background and the form of support you desire. The sessions take place either in my premises in Cologne or on the phone or via an online platform. You decide what suits you best.
The sessions take place either in my practice rooms in Cologne or on the phone or via an online platform. You decide what suits you best.
The goal of a Gestalt therapy is to ensure that you gain more awareness about your life and develop your full potential. In Gestalt therapy, the focus is always on the current situation. On the “how” and not on the “why”. Past events have shaped us, and future worries may prevent us from being in the here and now. It can be helpful to recognize these. Changes, however, are taking place in the present.
„Gestalt“ means an unssolved conflict or an incomplete experience in life that is repeatedly shown. The approach of Gestalt Therapy is to create space for current needs and feelings. We explore the situation with a holistic approach based on humanistic psychology. Especially the wisdom of the body offers us an excellent opportunity for experiencing and changing feelings. Once the integration of the topic has been successful, the “figure” will be closed and you will become free.
We don’t just talk, you also get sustainable insights through different perspectives: body work, sensory awareness, imaginations, setups, the inner child, dialogues with the inner team, solution-focused coaching, breathing work and focusing are some of the methods that help you find clarity and the courage to change.
Coaching sees itself as a help for self-help. In coaching, we clarify your concerns with each other and develop solution-oriented measures in a short time to achieve your goals. With systemic methods and my resonance as a counterpart, we shed light on the overall situation. You recognize your blind spots, get inspiring impulses and find new perspectives.
In therapy, I can make you access to deeper psychological contexts than is usually the case in coaching. In addition, there is the emotional treatment of the causal relationships in the now - for example by body therapy methods. This leads to overcoming the background of the problem.
The combination of coaching and therapy helps you to understand yourself better and enables a lasting change in a few sessions. You decide which topics you would like to take a closer look at.
If you would like to take advantage of coaching in the comfort of your own four walls or while traveling, we can make use of video chats or regular phone calls for our appointments. Online coaching is possible for all topics.
I have always had a strong desire to explore connections. I am thrilled to accompany people on their way to their own solutions and to give new perspectives, joy and orientation.
Since 2012 I have been self-employed as a coach, seminar leader & therapist. I learned systemic coaching at the University of Cologne and studied body-oriented Gestalt Therapy according to the guidelines of the German Association of Gestalt Therapy (DVG). Previously, I worked for several years as an employee and executive. I have two grown-up sons and was married for 17 years.
Dealing with changes, mastering crises and developing new things is not only a topic with my clients, but also part of my life. Gestalt therapy has opened up new perspectives for me in the middle of life.
I quit my safe position as an IT executive in a large company, became self-employed, traveled to distant places around the world and, above all, embarked on a journey to myself. I got to know impressive personalities, pursued my interest in psychology and discovered the secrets of sense, health and ease.
Today, I pass on my knowledge and experience to benefit my clients.
By adopting a new leadership position, I needed support in finding my new leadership role. I sought help with the issues of expectations from a personal point of view as well as from the presumed view of superiors and colleagues, as well as handling of resulting conflicts.
Through the cooperation with Jörg, the causes of the personal conflicts were quickly worked out and reduced or even stopped through targeted training. This quickly led to a clear picture of my own positioning and ensured me more clarity and self-confidence in the new position.
I left the coaching with Jörg Kirschbaum, after only a few hours, with a really good feeling. I was able to deal with my professional topics in a more targeted manner. So I became even more authentic for my customers and partners. That was ultimately essential for me. I am very satisfied with my current professional development. I gladly recommend you!
Private dissatisfaction and professional decision-making questions led me to the practice of Jörg Kirschbaum. Contact and appointment were uncomplicated and inviting. Therefore, I quickly found myself "on the couch" and could ask questions such as "How can I distance myself from "energy guzzler"?", "Where do I want to relate?" or "Which needs do I have (in a special context)?" Jörg accompanied with empathy, focus and humour. I achieved more clarity on many questions (not always immediate solutions, but ways open). I would also contact him again at a later date to take a new dose of "coaching".
Ich habe die Möglichkeit genutzt und mich in einer schwierigen Phase von Jörg Kirschbaum coachen lassen. Begeistert hat mich nicht nur seine Professionalität und sein Wissen, sondern vor allem auch sein Einfühlungsvermögen und die Qualität, sehr individuell auf meine Bedürfnisse einzugehen. Ich habe mich in den Einheiten sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt und konnte für mich sehr vieles aus den Coachings mitnehmen. Aus diesen Gründen kann ich Jörg absolut weiterempfehlen. Vielen Dank für die Zusammenarbeit!
Herr Kirschbaum ist einer der wenigen Menschen die mir bekannt sind die wirklich zuhören. Er schafft es unheimlich treffsicher die Essenz und Kernaussagen oder Wünsche kompakt als Resonanz wiederzugeben. Das gemeinsame Erarbeiten ist individuell auf mich zugeschnitten gewesen und hat mich wesentlich in meiner persönlichen Entwicklung unterstützt.
Ich kann Herrn Kirschbaum uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
Herr Kirschbaum erfasst den emotionalen Zustand seiner Klienten sehr gut und ermöglicht und verhilft durch eine sowohl sehr positive und wertfreie Atmosphäre, als auch eine akkurate Wiederspiegelung der Klienten Gedanken zu neuen gedanklichen Impulsen, die einem ermöglichen Situationen neu und positiver einzuordnen. Ich kann ihn uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
Ich habe in den Stunden mit Herrn Kirschbaum viel über mich gelernt. Es ist super wie einfühlsam und unkompliziert Herr Kirschbaum seine Arbeit macht. Wie er Dinge anspricht und erfragt. Die Ergebnisse gemeinsam stichpunktartig oder als Diagramm zu Papier gebracht werden und dann zu einem Ergebnis führen. Herr Kirschbaum hat mich bei der Jobfindung unterstützt.
Einen Job, der zu mir passt, haben wir gefunden und 2020 geht`s los.
Ich freu mich drauf.
In einer Phase, da mich meine berufliche Tätigkeit vorübergehend arbeitsunfähig werden ließ, habe ich Herrn Kirschbaum aufgesucht. Nach einem ersten Kennenlernen (und dem Abschätzen, ob man miteinander arbeiten mag und kann) wurden zunächst die Ziele des Coaching erarbeitet und benannt. In weiteren Terminen wurde dann Schritt für Schritte herausgearbeitet, was mir wichtig ist, worin ich gut bin und was mich zufrieden sein lässt. Gemeinsam wurde das anstehende Rückkehrgespräch beim Arbeitgeber vorbereitet und solchermaßen vorbereitet und gestärkt war das Gespräch dann auch erfolgreich. Die berufliche Position konnte verändert werden und eine neue berufliche (und private) Perspektive aufgebaut werden. Für mich war das Coaching am Ende recht erfolgreich, meine Zufriedenheit hat sich signifikant gesteigert und ich weiß jetzt mehr denn je was ich kann und was ich will und was mich belastet (und dementsprechend zu ändern ist).
Herr Kirschbaum hat mir in meiner beruflichen Neustrukturierung super weiter geholfen. Ich war planlos und überfordert. In nur 2 Sitzungen mit Herrn Kirschbaum wurde mir klar, was mich ausmacht, was mir wichtig ist und was mich schlussendlich weiter bringt.
Falls ich jemals noch einmal vor einer schwierigen Situation stehen sollte und nicht mehr weiter weiß, ist Herr Kirschbaum meine erste Anlaufstelle.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld, Ihr Einfühlungsvermögen und die sympathische Zusammenarbeit.
Herr Kirschbaum hatte ich gebucht gehabt, um mehr Klarheit und Bewusstsein für meine beruflichen Wege zu bekommen. Durch seine Unterstützung habe ich erfahren, welche Richtung ich gehen möchte. Dafür bin ich ihm sehr dankbar.
Er war außerdem immer entgegenkommend, zuverlässig, professionell, einfühlsam und flexibel. Die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm hat mir immer Spaß und Freude bereitet. Die Praxis ist auch super erreichbar und harmonisch abgestimmt. Ich habe mich immer wohl gefühlt. Ich kann Herr Kirschbaum jedem weiterempfehlen. :)
Jörg Kirschbaum Coaching and Therapy
Lübecker Str. 8-10
D-50668 Köln
Tel: +49 (0)221 169 215 64
All client information is treated confidentially. I work according to the ethical guidelines of the International Coaching Association: ICF-Ethical Guidelines
In a non-binding preliminary talk, you will describe your situation and we will get to know each other. I explain to you how I can support you and you decide if it fits.
We then arrange meetings in which we look at your issues from different points of view. Each coaching and therapy is unique and depends on your specific concerns, your personality, your professional environment, your goals, your private background and the form of support you desire.
The sessions take place either in my premises in Cologne or on the phone or via an online platform. You decide what suits you best.
09:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 18:00